Coffee With Cerys

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Self-Care Tips For When You Don’t Feel Like A Pamper

I’ve said this so many times before, but self-care isn’t just doing a face mask, having a bath & drinking a cup of tea (although I do love doing this). Sometimes the best form of self-care  is doing those tasks that you keep putting off. You know that once you do them, you can stop worrying. But for whatever reason you just continue to put them off.

So, here are some things that can help your self-care routine. You may not like my suggestions as I am definitely calling you out for not taking proper care of yourself. But I am also 100% calling myself out too!

In order to break this down, I researched the different types of self-care and found that it’s generally broken up into 5 categories – physical, social, mental, spiritual and emotional (some people have more categories, some have less – but I’m thinking of doing a whole blog post on this). Let’s have a look at each category and how you can fit some self-care into each.

1.      Physical
Physical self-care is taking care of your body and things we do pretty much every day.

Physical self-care includes - getting a good night’s sleep (click here for some tips), fuelling your body with good food, looking after your personal hygiene, moving your body in some way, drinking plenty of water etc. As you can see, these are typically things that we do all of the time, but sometimes if we’re not feeling great, they’re easy to not do enough of.

2.      Social
As much as I am very introverted, socialising is still important as it helps with personal growth and to stop us feeling so lonely.

In person socialising has always been recommended, but since covid, we have seen the benefit of a simple phone call or handwritten letter to show our loved ones that we care. Some other examples include – going for coffee with a pal, joining a Zoom quiz, joining an art class (or other hobby of your choice) etc.

3.      Mental
In the same way that physical is taking care of your body, mental is taking care of your mind. Our brains are wonderous things and it’s so important to look after it’s health. Our brains need stimulation to keep them working to the best of its ability. Some great ways to take care of your mind are – reading a book (click here to find out what’s on my TBR pile), listen to a podcast (click here for some of my favourites), watch a documentary, brain dump in a journal, give yourself compliments, complete that annoying thing on your to-do list (ya know, the one that you’ve been procrastinating for while – on that note click here).

4.      Spiritual
Spiritual self-care isn’t just for those who are religious, spiritual self-care can be how we connect to our inner selves & get to know ourselves better. Spiritual self-care is personal to each person, so here are just some suggestions – meditation, create a vision board, read some affirmations, give to charity etc.

5.      Emotional
Finally, emotional self-care. Emotional self-care isn’t about ensuring you always feel good; it’s helping you have the skills to be able to deal with whatever emotion you are feeling. So, what can you do for emotional self-care? Some examples are – talking about your feelings, doing mindful activities, going to therapy, practice gratitude, allow yourself to feel and so much more.

As with each category, you have to do what’s best for you and your life.

I love a pamper and whenever I’m feeling a bit blerghh (technical term), my go-to is having a good ol’ pamper. But sometimes the best self-care is to actually look after yourself. And if this was the push that you needed – I’m so glad that I could help!

What are your thoughts on this blog post? Let me know in the comments below!

Cerys x

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