Coffee With Cerys

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My Current YouTube Binge List

Oh look…another favourites post! I’ve been doing a lot of watching during lockdown…😂 If I’m completely honest I’m not very loyal to many YouTubers. I tend to use YouTube when I’m looking for specific videos – makeup, holiday packing, style inspiration etc. So, this post is more of a round-up of the people I have been watching the most during lockdown. I will likely make a few of these throughout the year – but here is who I have been watching recently.

1.      Zoe Sugg
I’m sure this isn’t a surprise as she is one of the most popular YouTubers. Zoe has produced a range of different videos since she started on YouTube. For a while now she has only been creating vlogs where she films her everyday life. This is probably my favourite style of YouTube video as it relaxes me and I often play them when I’m working on blog stuff, having food and doing just about anything really as they’re easy to watch in the background. I also love Zoe’s Instagram. The colours and vibe of both her YouTube and Instagram are calming and something that I would like to incorporate into my own work.

2.      Weed Em & Reap
I’ve actually been following DaNelle on Pinterest for a while and constantly sharing her posts without realising that it was the same account. DaNelle and her family have a farm in Arizona – and as mentioned in several of my previous posts I love farm animals. So, I was so happy when I discovered that her and her family produce vlogs on their YouTube channel. They currently own goats, chickens, a couple of turkey’s, a pig, a few cats and dogs and watching them just fills me with so much joy🧡 This will be me in a few years!

3.      Jamie Genevieve
I love watching makeup videos (as you may gather from this post) and Jamie always does such gorgeous and glowing makeup. I also love watching her vlogs with her husband and her dogs – its usually half an hour of glorious Scottish accents and I just love watching them all!

4.      Tammi Clarke
Tammi has been one of my favourite people to watch for makeup inspiration for longer than I can remember. Although I can’t do any of the makeup that she does – I still love watching her! She’s also recently launched some new makeup products with Revolution which may just fall into my basket the next time I order from the website.

5.      Soph
Soph is another YouTuber who creates a range of videos; with a large majority being makeup. She does a variety of looks from bold and bright to more everyday neutral looks. She appears to be so down-to-earth and friendly and this is why she is in this favourites list. As mentioned above, I’m not that great at makeup myself, I still enjoy watching others being creative.

6.      James & Carys
I haven’t shared any fellow Welsh people on the blog maybe ever?! I need to get better at that! So here we go! James and Carys currently live in Cardiff with their Labrador Mila and share mostly vlogs on their shared channel. As mentioned, I just really enjoy watching vlogs – so, with these two I get vlogs and Welsh people – what more could I ask for?😂

7.      Bailey Sarian
Bailey is a generally recent favourite as I haven’t known about her videos that long. But honestly, where the heck have I been?!?! She produces videos on a combination of two of my favourite things to learn about – makeup and crime. Every Monday is ‘Murder, Mystery & Makeup Mondays’. In these videos Bailey puts on makeup while discussing crime stories. I am now obsessed with these videos - and I was watching them while writing this post. It’s so interesting to learn about crime stories that I have never come across before. I also love how she talks about the stories. She doesn’t make a drama out of it or play scary music - she just says things how it is and gives her thoughts on the case. I would love to sit and chat with her about crime and makeup!!🧡 Her dog is also adorable!!

8.      Lucy Wood
I’ve watched Lucy for years and just love her down-to-earth attitude and general approach to life. I believe I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, but as a consumer of media, I much prefer watching someone who I currently relate to. Lucy is definitely one of these people. I also adore watching her vlogs with her boyfriend Adam and their utterly gorgeous cat Flo🧡. I just love everything that Lucy does!

9.      Leah Turner
Leah is another person who posts about her general life and I just love this kind of content. Her content varies between vlogs, fashion and other everyday topics that I just constantly relate to. I’d love to be her friend🧡

I also recently discovered that she owns fried egg pyjama bottoms and I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one😂

10.  Tisha Drew Merry
I only recently came across Tisha’s channel, but I’ve just been binge-watching her videos! Some of you may recognise Tisha from Coronation Street (I didn’t until I recognised her boyfriend who I remembered from when I used to watch it). Tisha also posts vlogs and, as mentioned, I love watching vlogs. But she also shares content on fashion, beauty and so many other things. I find her very peaceful to watch and I can’t wait to see what else she creates.

11.  BrummyMummyof2
As you may have seen from my Disney+ post I love Disney! Emma shares a range of videos – but I found her through her Disney content which I adore! She seems like a genuine and warm person and I just love watching everything that she does!

12.  Mckenna Grace
I found Mckenna through her Primark videos as I love watching a good ol’ clothing haul!
If you know me personally, you probably know that a lot of my wardrobe is filled with Primark clothing – often pieces that I have had for years! But I don’t necessarily have the time or money to shop all of the time. Plus, I am trying to get better at shopping more sustainably – but this is not something that I can financially do as easy as I would like. But I have to say that I have never been one to follow trends and just by clothes for the sake of it. I love clothes, but I only ever buy clothes that I love and will wear a lot of.
That was a bit of a ramble – but I have included Mckenna in this post because every month her and her Mother Andrea share Primark hauls and they always find the most amazing pieces! I love how fun and down-to-earth they both are, and they just fill me with so much joy when I watch them! They both also do testing videos and just generally fun videos. Andrea also has her own YouTube channel which I enjoy – which you can find here.

This whole post was a bit of a ramble – but that’s what this blog is here for. It’s meant to be a space that feels like you’re chatting with a friend – and who hasn’t gone off on a rambling tangent with a friend?😂 There are so many others that I could include in this list - so I will try and maybe make one of these posts every few months. What do you think?

If you have any suggestions of what you would like me to write blog posts about, please post a comment or send me a message. Thank you in advance!

I hope that you’re all well!

Cerys x


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