
My 21st Birthday
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

My 21st Birthday

I’d like to begin this post by thanking everyone that made my 21st birthday special. Whether you were with me to celebrate, gave me a card or even wished me a happy birthday on Facebook, it all meant a lot to me.

I’d originally planned to write about all of the funny stories and chats that we had. But, honestly, I think that it’s better to keep them between those that were there. However, I will share a few things and some funny photos that I’m more than happy to share…enjoy!

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Autumn/Winter Style Inspirations - September 2018
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

Autumn/Winter Style Inspirations - September 2018

I started my third year of uni today, and so in lieu of actually preparing for my most daunting year in education I decided to sit and talk about what has been inspiring me for the Autumn and Winter seasons. Mainly because I can’t stay off of Instagram long enough to actually think about my coursework, but also because I really don’t want to.

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Weekend Away In North Wales
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

Weekend Away In North Wales

Yes, I actually went somewhere.

I’d sort of pre-planned this blog post as I knew that I was going for a little weekend away with my boyfriend to a cottage in North Wales. However, we spent most of the weekend in the hot tub, so this post isn’t going to be filled with loads of adventure like I’d initially thought. But I’m writing about it anyway as I still had an amazing time and would recommend the place to any couples looking for a break away from the norm.

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My Third Home
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

My Third Home

Obviously my first home is Wales and my second home is Liverpool. So, what’s my third home you ask? That would be IKEA. Anyone who knows me will know how much I love IKEA. I just talk about it constantly. I know that you probably think that it’s a bit of a random thing to have such a love for but let me explain.

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The One About Tinder
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

The One About Tinder

I’ve re-written this post so many times and each result is very different. I quite enjoyed using Tinder. Although kinda shy, I am quite a sociable person. So, I enjoyed the conversational element and the ability to speak to such a wide range of people.

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