Coffee With Cerys

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Weekend Away In North Wales

Edited April 2020

Yes, I actually went somewhere.

I’d sort of pre-planned this blog post as I knew that I was going for a little weekend away with my boyfriend to a cottage in North Wales. However, we spent most of the weekend in the hot tub, so this post isn’t going to be filled with loads of adventure like I’d initially thought. But I’m writing about it anyway as I still had an amazing time and would recommend the place to any couples looking for a break away from the norm.

Before we ventured off to Hawarden North Wales, I had to meet some of my boyfriend’s family and friends. Anyone who knows me knows how absolutely terrified I was. However, I’m thinking of writing a whole blog post about “meeting the parents” and collaborating with some other people. So, let me know if you would be interested in reading that kind of post or if you have anything that you want to say on the subject.

To travel I wore, what just might be, my new favourite outfit. As per, most of my outfit is from Primark. However, the trousers are from Pretty Little Thing (linked here). I had been lusting after these for months, so just decided to get them. They’re so comfy and flattering and I’m saving up to get them in all the different colours and patterns.

I had to include this photo as it makes me chuckle!

Let’s talk about where we stayed. The cottage was actually the old sorting office for the local post office (hence its name) so featured little elements that showed this. It was so comfy and welcoming and both Matt and I agreed that we’d be more than happy to live there. It also had one of the biggest baths that I’ve ever seen, and I felt like an ant sitting in it.

The town is also easy to walk around, and everyone is very friendly. It also has some gorgeous old buildings and a church that I could have just admired forever. I am 100% going back as soon as I can!

Every day we spent time in the hot tub. Therefore, I wore a bikini for the first time in many many years and I actually loved it. My body confidence journey is definitely improving.

If you ever have a chance to go in a hot tub, I recommend. It’s so relaxing and helps ease any aches and pains (which I constantly have).

Some of Saturday evening we spent stuffing our faces with pub grub at the Fox and Grapes. It was a beautiful old-fashioned pub and the staff were very friendly. We were lucky enough to get a table. However, I would recommend booking beforehand as it’s a very popular place to eat. But there are also a number of other pubs in easy walking distance, so you’ll definitely be spoilt for choice.

Being in a cottage also allowed us to make/eat what we want, when we want. We both enjoy cooking, so we liked having the freedom (although I only remembered to take photos of the hot chocolate and pancakes).

I had such an amazing and relaxing weekend away and I can’t wait to go back to do some more exploring.

If anyone is ever looking for a relaxing place to stay in a quiet town in North Wales, The Old Sorting Office is the place for you. Here is the link for where to book.

I struggle with taking good photos anyway. But he always has to stick his face in it

After editing this for this blog, it’s made me really want to go back. I had the best time and definitely want to explore more. And I just miss Wales in general tbh. I can’t wait to back.

I hope you’re all doing okay. Where in the UK would you recommend going? Leave me a comment down below.

Cerys x