Coffee With Cerys

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My Third Home

Edited April 2020

*side note – I’m not a very good photographer to begin with. But I also just got super excited to be there, so forgot to attempt “artsy” photos and just took photos of products that I like. But hopefully you’ll enjoy anyway.

Obviously my first home is Wales and my second home is Liverpool. So, what’s my third home you ask? That would be IKEA.

Anyone who knows me will know how much I love IKEA. I just talk about it constantly. I know that you probably think that it’s a bit of a random thing to have such a love for but let me explain.

I absolutely love interior design! Everywhere I go I’m on the lookout for inspiration and redesigning places in my head. I’ve been excited to be able to design my own house for as long as I can remember (maybe that could be a future blog post?).

IKEA is just a hub of inspiration and it helps me to feel creative. I especially love when they create mini houses in their stores for you to explore. I’m literally like a kid in a sweet shop the second that I step foot inside.

I recently got to take my boyfriend on his first ever trip to IKEA. I couldn’t believe it when he said that he’d never been. But it did excite me as I knew that it meant a trip to IKEA. We visited the Warrington store as that is the closest to us (although I also love the Cardiff store). However, I would love to visit other stores to see how different the layouts are. Update: I have since visited the Birmingham IKEA and also loved it there!

I was a little apprehensive at first as I was worried that he may not agree with the hype. But then I realised that I didn’t actually care because his opinion wouldn’t change mine. Although, thankfully he now loves IKEA too and can’t wait to go again.

Can you tell that he enjoyed himself?

Another reason that I love IKEA is because of their famous meatballs. They’re just incredible. Kinda wish I’d bought a bag to bring home. But I didn’t think about it until a couple of days later when I was craving them. I don’t think I need to say much more. I just hope that the photos do it justice.

If anyone needs a shopping buddy, I’m your gal.

Check out their website and Instagram for even more amazing inspiration.

They also give great advice

Extra Goss

I know that this is a bad photo but I had to include it so I could mention a conversation that we had.

Me – “this is where I’d wanna keep all of my knick-knacks”
Matt – “like the crisps?

For those that don’t get it, he thought that I wanted to fill this massive cupboard with these crisps…

I hope you enjoyed this post. Where is your favourite place to shop for homeware? Let me know in the comments below.

Cerys x

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