Coffee With Cerys

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Moving On

Hello Stranger!

Well this is new. How’re you liking the new location? I’ve always loved the SquareSpace adverts and love the different design options. So, after months of research and lots of back and forth, I made the plunge and moved from WordPress to SquareSpace. Due to the popularity of a number of posts over on TwentyNothings, that blog shall remain. However, I have posted some of my favourite posts right here too; so please go and check them out.

Wait, how rude of me.  I haven’t introduced myself. Hopefully, my old readers have followed me over, so they should know a bit about me. But, for those of you who are new, or may not know me very well, let me introduce myself.

Firstly, my name is Cerys and I’m from a little village in South Wales but am currently based in the wonderful city of Liverpool. I’m a Libra, love all things creative and am a massive animal lover. I’m a semi-recent Business Management graduate, struggling to get into the full-time world of work. I’m very lucky that the company I worked for over the summer is giving me evening shifts three times a week. They’re an amazing bunch of people and I love them dearly.

This blog is going to be the place for my thoughts and feelings on life, love and everything in between. I’m quite an open person and not afraid to talk about “taboo” topics. So, if you have a topic that you want me to talk about, then please don’t hesitate in sending me a message.

I’m not very good at introductions, so if anyone has any questions, I’m more than happy to do a Q+A. Send me your questions via the comments, by email or on Instagram.

I think I’m going to leave this post as it is – short and sweet – and ease myself back in. I’ve already written a few posts and made plans for the future. I am still nervous about putting myself back out there. But I really enjoy writing blog posts and I’ve really missed doing it. I just need to believe I myself.

I am going to aim hopefully start doing 1 post a week – with the occasional bonus post. Let’s see how it goes.

So welcome to Coffee With Cerys - the place to go for a cuppa and a chat. Go and follow me on Instagram and Pinterest for posts about general life and my LinkedIn for anything business-y.

Cerys x

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