Coffee With Cerys

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My Ultimate “Day Off” Routine

I’ve been planning this post since long before this solo blog was even an idea. But I just struggled with what to write. I realised that this was because I rarely actually pamper myself or look after myself in any way. Therefore, I’m trying to make more of an effort to do this and put myself first. I probably should have done this more during lockdown – but as I said I’m not always the best at looking after myself – but I am working on this🧡

So, this is what I currently do when I need a bit of a pampering pick me up. Sometimes, I mix up the routine or don’t do everything. This is just a list of my ultimate ‘day off’ routine.

1.      Run A Bath
If I’m ever feeling stressed or run down, a bath is one of my favourite things to have. I rarely give myself enough time to have a bath - but when I do, I like to use a bath bomb, bath salts and maybe even some bubbles too. I’m always up for trying new products, so please let me know your favourites. For this bath I used Rhubarb & Custard from Bubble Trouble and it smells like the retro rhubarb & custard sweets and was just amazing!! It was one of the most beautiful and relaxing baths I’ve ever had, and I highly recommend!! Click here to look what other scents they have.

There’s a range of benefits to having a bath both mentally and physically. “A soak in a hot bath has been proven to boost mental well-being and strengthen circadian rhythms, the biological clock that determines when we feel sleepy or alert” (source). So, there’s your excuse to have a bath - it’s proven to be good for you😂

2.      Face Mask
I love face masks and will take any excuse to put one on. But putting one on in the bath with the steam rising is one of my favourite things, I don’t really have a favourite face mask, if my face feels clean and smooth, I’m happy. I’m using The Body Shop’s Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask and I just love it! Click here to find it. It makes my face feel so good after using it. This is the only mask that I’ve used from The Body Shop, but I would love to try more!

3.      Netflix/Disney+
I spend most of my evenings watching Netflix or Disney+ – but I especially love watching them in the bath. I typically spend several hours in the bath (although I discovered recently that you should spend a maximum of 30 minutes…ooops), so I find it a great time to catch up on a series that I’ve been watching. I’ve got so many things that I want to watch, yet never give myself time to watch them. Therefore, spending time on my own in the bath gives me the perfect opportunity.

I have created a list of some of my favourite things to watch on Netflix – click here to read. And click here to check out what I’ve been bingeing on Disney+

4.      Body Butter
After a bath I love lathering myself with body butter to moisturise my skin. I find using a body butter more luxurious than a regular body moisturiser – and therefore prefer using it when I’m having a pamper.
I have so many different body butters and I just love them all! I used one of The Body Shop’s Christmas scents this time as I adore the smell!! I can’t wait to see what scents they have this year!

5.      Dressing Gown/Cosy Pyjamas
I’ll be honest, when I’m at home I spend a lot of time in my dressing gown or pyjamas – but it always feels better when I put it on after a bath. I’m thinking maybe I’ll treat myself to a second “fancy” dressing that I only use when I’m having a pamper – so I’d love any suggestions. Some people think that you’re a slob if you spend all of your time in your pyjamas/dressing gown…but I don’t really get along with those people*laughing crying

I love feeling cosy – so obviously this is why I love wearing pyjamas and being wrapped up in  my dressing gown.

6.      Hot Chocolate
I absolutely love a hot chocolate and a pamper night is one of my favourite times to have one. It adds to the cosiness and definitely makes me feel relaxed. Whittard is my favourite luxury hot chocolate and I would absolutely recommend it – my favourite flavour is Sticky Toffee Pudding. Click here to read my post all about this brand. And obviously I top it with cream and marshmallows.

7.      Snacks
The snacks I eat varies depending on how I’m feeling and what time of day it is.

If I’m feeling healthy, I enjoy veg sticks and dips. I’ll cut up carrots, celery and cucumber and dip them into hummus, sour cream & chive dip, salsa or whatever dip I’ve decided to pick up. If I’m not feeling so healthy, I’ll have some chocolate or ice cream.

I’m definitely a snacker and feel so much better when I eat little and often. So, I never need an excuse to snack; but if I did, this is definitely one.

8.      Nail Painting
I don’t always do this when I’m pampering, but if I have extra time, I do enjoy doing it. However, I’ve found recently that the nail polish isn’t lasting as well as it usually does. So, if anyone has any tips that may help, they would be greatly appreciated.

9.      Reading
I try to finish most days by reading, but I particularly enjoy doing it after a pamper as I’m completely relaxed and can fully emerge myself in the book that I am reading. Or, occasionally I read in the bath too. My aim for this year was to read at least one book a month (I haven’t been amazing at this, but I am trying) I have just started reading My Sister The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite. As I said I haven’t done great at this and sometimes it has taken me a bit longer than a month – but I have still been really enjoying spending more time reading. And this is definitely something that I want to continue doing and hopefully I can get better and actually finish the books in time and maybe more than one a month?🥰 Click here to read my post about the books that I read in 2020.

10.    Get An Early Night
If you know me in real life you’ll probably laugh at this bit because you’ll know that I have an early night every night! But on these pamper days I find it even more important. My body is super relaxed and happy and that’s the best way to be for a full night’s sleep. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately, but this definitely helps!

And that’s pretty much it. I’m not quite sure whether this is a long list or a short “day off/pamper routine”. But this is what I typically try to do when I eventually give myself time to pamper, relax and take some time for myself.

What’s your “day off” routine? I’d love to know🧡

I hope you enjoyed this post! Don’t forget to leave me a comment and follow my socials.

Cerys x


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