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How To Give Yourself Self-Care At Christmas

We often put so much pressure on ourselves at Christmas & New Year to go to all the parties & special events and see every single family member & friend. But it’s still so important to look after yourself at this time of year to avoid burnout.

If you know me, then it’s no surprise that I am a big Christmas fan! I love the food, the atmosphere, the lights, the general positivity around this time of year – I just love it all! But I still find it overwhelming – trying to find the perfect gifts, not wanting to let people down when they want to see you, wanting to help those in need, work, shorter days etc – sometimes it just gets a bit much.

So, here’s some self-care tips that you could use this Christmas. Let me know if you have any must do self-care activities at Christmas!


1.      Say No
Being able to say no is definitely a skill – and one I think only few are good at. I’m not great at saying no when I really should. I’m a people pleaser and typically put everyone else before myself (but I’m working on this).

You will likely be expected to have a lot of plans and see a lot of people. But if it’s too much, it’s so important to say no. If you say yes too many times, you’ll end up too overwhelmed and burn yourself out. Setting boundaries with those around you is so important and something more of us needs to do.

2.      Rest
Rest is always important! Plus, the busier you are the more rest you’ll need and obviously we’re generally quite busy at this time of year. If you’re still exhausted from your last outing/activity, you can’t enjoy your next one as much as you’ll be too busy dreaming of your bed. But rest doesn’t always have to mean sleep (although I do love a nap). Sometimes, rest is just taking a moment to do nothing, focussing on the current moment, and listening to your body. If I can feel that my body needs some rest, but I’m not necessarily tired, I’ll sit in a quiet spot and mindfully drink a cuppa – I find it so soothing and grounding and something I’m going to make more time for.

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3.      Take Extra Care Of Your Skin
With all the stress of trying to be three places at once, aiming to get everything right and the colder weather – your skin can take a battering. You don’t need to go all out with a brand-new skincare routine – but maybe just ensure that you’re taking your makeup off correctly and using a hydrating moisturiser. And while you’re there, drink some more water too!

4.      Treat Yourself - If You Can
Treating yourself doesn’t have to be anything big or extravagant. There are loads of different ways to give yourself a bit of a treat and it’s all down to what will make you feel better. It could be buying yourself a gift, doing your nails, having a pamper session, taking yourself on a date and so much more. If you’re looking for ideas for your pamper night – click here. Whatever activity will give you a bit of a lift, do it! You deserve to be treated well this Christmas – not just those around you.

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5.     Know That It Won’t Last Forever
It’s not ideal, but if Christmas is a struggle for you, remind yourself that it won’t last forever. Everything will soon enough be back to how it was before and hopefully you were finding that a bit easier.

Also remember that there are loads of amazing organisations willing to help. If you’re looking for support – here are some helpful contacts;
- Call Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone). They're always open.
- Text SHOUT to 85258. This is a free 24/7 crisis text service run by Shout.
- Visit Mind’s useful contacts page for a list of organisations who can support your mental health or help with practical problems. 

6.      Do What Makes You Happy
Your happiness is the most important thing. Yes, some of your friends & family may be disappointed that they don’t get to see you as much (or at all) as they’d like to. But if they genuinely care about you, they’ll understand that your mental health comes first. There are so many other days in the year that you can see people – not just Christmas. You deserve to be happy – however that looks.

No matter what your Christmas looks like, remember that you are important, and you deserve to be happy and to look after your mental health. It’s likely that your needs are different to others, but that doesn’t make them wrong. Be strong – you can do it!

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No matter what your Christmas and new year plans look like this year, make sure you take some time out for self-care. And if you have any other self-care tips for Christmas, leave them in the comments below.

Wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas and new year!

Cerys x

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