Coffee With Cerys

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10 Ways To Improve Your Mood Without Spending A Penny

Life can be a bit shit sometimes right? Especially the last few months. There’s so many things that you can do to cheer yourself up when you’re feeling like this. So, I’ve created a list of ten things that you can do to help cheer yourself up and without having to spend a money! Enjoy!

1.      Read Some Inspirational Quotes
If you’ve been reading my blog or following my Instagram for a while, it’ll be no surprise to you that I love inspirational/motivational quotes. I wrote a whole blog post recently on ‘Why You Should Always Start Your Day With An Inspirational Quote’ which I talked about the benefits of reading quotes and why they’re good for your mind and mood – so please give that a read too. You can find quotes everywhere – from Instagram, a quick Google search, all over my blog & Instagram – everywhere! I wanted to mention them as they’re definitely something that I look to when I’m not feeling great and they’re easy to access. But definitely check out my blog post that I’ve just mentioned as I go into much more detail.

2.      Listen To Music/Podcasts
Weirdly, I don’t listen to much music anymore because this year as I’ve just become obsessed with podcasts! I still listen to music when I’m in the shower and on the radio in the car, but I’ve just been enjoying podcasts so much more.

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I really enjoy learning. I generally get most of my learning from various articles and courses online. However, I don’t enjoy spending a lot of time staring at a screen as it gives me awful headaches (although my blue light glasses definitely help with this). This is where podcasts come in. You can listen to them whenever and learn things on the go – from skincare, to local history, to crime – there’s so many options. And the feeling that I’m learning without even really trying definitely helps my mood.

I’m planning on writing a whole blog post about podcasts, so let me know if you have any recommendations🥰 (click here to read).

If music is more your thing, then that definitely helps too! Whether that’s listening to calming music to relax you or cheesy music which you can have a good ol’ boogie to - I think most people can agree that listening to music has made them feel better! But while researching for this blog post I also came across an article that stated “music therapy has also been used to help enhance communication, coping, and expression of feelings such as fear, loneliness, and anger in patients who have a serious illness, and who are in end-of-life care” (source). So, music can not only improve your general mood, but it can also help with your overall mental health and I think that’s amazing!

3.      Watch Your Favourite Show/Read A Book
Watching one of my favourite shows when I’m feeling a bit crappy is one of my go-to things to do. You can just turn-off and feel a part of what you’re watching. Life the past few months has been pretty lonely for a lot of people and we’ve spent very little time with family and friends. So, naturally a lot of us have been feeling pretty rubbish. But, watching your favourite show can make you feel like you’re not alone. “Spending time with fictional characters can in some ways mimic the benefits of spending time with real-world friends or loved ones” (source). And although it’s not the same as actually spending time with those that mean the most to us, it definitely helps!

As mentioned in the previous point, I don’t like spending much time in front of a screen. Therefore, if I don’t feel like watching something on the telly, I’ll read a book. I made an agreement with myself that I would read one book a month this year as I have so many books that I want to read, yet don’t actually give myself time to read them. I was actually doing pretty well at this until the end of August when I was spending more time outside and just appreciating being able to leave the house. Since then I’ve been terrible at reading! However, I am still trying, and you will learn more about how I got on in January when I write a blog post about my reading journey and mini reviews of the books that I read.

4.      Cwtch A Pet
Cwtching a pet/animal is one of my favourite things to do. I don’t get to do this very often as since moving to Liverpool I’ve not been able to get a pet😔 But, whenever I go home to Wales I get all the cwtches from my lovely pets and it just makes my heart happy🧡

Cwtching your pet “stimulates the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, which help relieve depression and may make you feel happier” (source) This is scientific proof that giving your pets a big ol’ hug is good for you – and it’s good for them too! So go and give your friends some extra love🧡

“Cwtch – the Welsh word for a cuddle and one of my favourite words”

5.      Cwtch A Toy
If you’re like me and don’t have a pet to cwtch, a cuddly toy is probably the next best option😂 And before you think, ‘isn’t having a cuddly toy as an adult a bit childish?’, I found several articles stating that it can actually be good for you! Cwtching a “soft toy is not just good for your mental well-being, but it is also great for your physical health too. That’s because it brings a sense of calm within you and helps you relax, physically” (source). So, go and find your favourite childhood toy, or even go and buy yourself a new one and give them a cwtch🥰

6.      Call A Friend
As mentioned in an above point most have of us haven’t seen our friends or family much. And I’m sure, if you were like me, you spent the beginning of lockdown on Zoom with almost everyone you knew (btw Zoom fatigue is definitely a thing). But, did that suddenly sizzle out mid-way through? Me too! So, if you also haven’t called/Skyped/Zoomed your friends or family recently, go and do it and remind them how much you love them🥰 A friend of mine randomly rang me the other day and we just had a big ol’ catch up and it made my day🧡 “Support like that is the best kind because it’s honest and sincere. Calling your best friend regularly is like having your very own pep rally to personally hype you up!” (source). Calling your friends is good for you and for them. So grab a cuppa and get calling.  

7.      Have A Self-Care Day
If you’re aware of the niche for this blog, then you’ll know that this is idea is probably obvious. This blog focusses on self-care, self-love and empowerment – so naturally I’m going to suggest having a self-care day. I know that taking a whole day to just pamper and fully take care of yourself isn’t always something that we have time for. However, I think it’s a good idea to take some time, every now and then, to just fully relax and look after your mind, body and soul. I wrote a blog post recently about ‘My Ultimate Day Off Routine’ where I talk about what I generally do on my self-care days. So, check out that post for some inspiration.

8.      Have A Cuppa & Chill
If you know me, then you know that I have a cuppa in hand almost 24/7! I find having a cuppa and just sitting down to drink it and take some time to myself so helpful. We’re always so busy rushing around and trying to do as much as possible. But sometimes we just need to slow down and take some time to re-centre and remember who we are.

9.      Be Kind To Someone
Obviously it’s good to be kind to help other people and be selfless. However, have you ever helped someone, and it’s made you feel good for doing it? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that – it’s good that it makes you feel good too.

“Doing nice things for others boosts your serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of satisfaction and well-being” (source). Another article stated that “deciding to be generous or cooperating with others activates an area of the brain called the striatum. Interestingly, this area responds to things we find rewarding, such as nice food” (source). I got completely lost in reading articles about the positive impact being kind can have on ourselves as well as others around us, I found it so fascinating to read.

So, there you go, even science says that it’s okay for you to feel good about making someone else feel good. And if there’s benefits for everyone involved when you’re kind, what’s your excuse not to be?

10.  Laugh & Smile
You’ve likely heard the expression ‘laughter is the best medicine’ – and it’s actually true! I even wrote an article on it when I was in Year 9, so I definitely need to dig that out soon! Even if you’re not really feeling particularly peachy, faking a smile or a laugh can help make you feel that little bit better. A good laugh can “help you release emotions, especially those emotions that you might bottle up inside. Everything looks that little bit better after a good laugh and life can be seen from a more positive perspective” (source). Sometimes we just have to fake it until we make it – and that definitely stands in this situation too! Now, just take a second to smile or laugh and see how it makes you feel.

I always feel like I’m back in school/university when my blog posts are filled with references and sources. But I think posts like this need that as I don’t want to give any information that isn’t correct, and no one wants to hear just my opinion on everything😂

We often put so much pressure on ourselves to be everything all at once for absolutely everyone. But how can we be there for other people if we’re not looking after ourselves? And you don’t always need to spend anything to do make yourself feel better either. So, go on, treat yourself to some kindness for a change🧡

What do you do to help cheer yourself up? Let me know in the comments below. And don’t forget to show me some love on my social media too – I appreciate it so much!!

Look after yourselves!

Cerys x

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