Coffee With Cerys

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The One About Tinder

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Edited April 2020

I’ve re-written this post so many times and each result is very different. I quite enjoyed using Tinder. Although kinda shy, I am quite a sociable person. So, I enjoyed the conversational element and the ability to speak to such a wide range of people.

However, I have noticed several people who use and abuse Tinder just to try and boost their ego (and not in a good way).

So how did I get into Tinder? A few my friends (both male & female) had Tinder and we were always discussing the types of people that they would find and the kind of messages that they would receive. It would range from an innocent “hello” to weird, perverted messages demanding sex. My friends and I just found it funny. I also know a number of people who found their current partners on Tinder (myself included). So, one day I plucked up the courage and downloaded the app.

Below are some of the messages that I’ve received. In all honestly, these ones are pretty tame.

The Conversation Starter

Some people like to begin conversations with a simple greeting. Some people find this boring. But if someone came up to me in the street or in a club (or anywhere) and started the conversation with a “hello”, I’d be more inclined to speak to them.

Straight To The Point

I know that several people use Tinder purely to find someone to have sex with. But I’m not sure this is the best way to give a good first impression. Or not to me at least. I find these forced and it doesn’t really encourage me to talk to you. But good on you to have the confidence to be straight to the point.

Pick-Up Lines

I’m not really into pick-up lines, but some do make me laugh. It can be a good way to gage what people find funny or cheesy and can help start a conversation if you’re nervous. However, don’t just throw pick-up line after pick-up line at someone. It’s weird.


Personally, I think Gifs are a great way to start a conversation. They instantly add interest and humour to the conversation and can show off your personality. Gifs are a fun way to interact with people. And they’re also great if you’re a little shy.

20 Questions

I got bored with the messages that I was receiving, so said that messages should open with a question. Above is the one that made me chuckle the most.

Honourable Mentions

These are just some extra messaged that I received that made me either laugh or smile.

A friend once told me that if you’re on Tinder you should expect to be spoken to in a semi-degrading matter because “that’s what happens on Tinder”. And yes, it is highly likely that you will receive messages like that (a guy messaged me once just to tell me that he thought I was ugly). But that doesn’t mean that it’s okay! You’re under no obligation to reply to anyone’s messages. So, don’t let anyone make you feel like shit. Tinder can be a fun and social app, just as long as you find the right people.

I’ve actually made a few friends from Tinder and met my lovely boyfriend, so I guess that it can’t be all bad.

Have you got any funny Tinder stories? Leave them in the comments below.

Cerys x

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