Coffee With Cerys

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A Fuckboy-Magnet's Guide to Fuckboys

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Edited April 2020

*To begin, I’d like to clarify that I know that girls can be just as bad as boys when it comes to leading people on and other generally shitty behaviour. However, this post comes from my personal experience and therefore the term ‘fuckboy’ will be used multiple times throughout. *

From what I have experienced there are three types of fuckboys; the ‘reforming fuckboy’ (I am yet to find one that has ‘’fully reformed’’), the ‘active fuckboy’, and the ‘fuckboy in denial’. No matter which category the individual falls into, fuckboys are set out to mess with your head.

I’ve compiled a short-ish list of the different traits and behaviours that the different types of fuckboys display. Hopefully, this will help highlight any guys that could be a fuckboy and help to stop you falling for them. But even after all the research that I have done, I guarantee that I will fall for another.

The Active Fuckboy

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To start, let’s talk about the main type of fuckboy – the ‘active fuckboy’. Most people will know what a fuckboy is. And some of us will even have the displeasure of knowing a few. Fuckboys are only out for themselves. No matter how many compliments they give you, they’re only saying what they think you want to hear. If you were to ask any of the fuckboys’ friends, they’d either not know about your existence or they’d just know you as ‘one of the many girls chasing him’. They are the best at playing mind games and always getting their own way. They will take hours to reply claiming that they’re “busy”, yet it’s clear that that’s a lie. Occasionally, they will ignore you completely. Only to ‘randomly’ message you days later after seeing your latest picture on Instagram. They’ll say that they’re sorry for how they’ve treated you, and then instantly start asking for nudes again; getting mad if it’s not done so on demand. They have zero respect for you and often females in general. Do not let them get into your head – you’re worth a lot more than them.

The Reforming Fuckboy

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Now, the ‘reforming fuckboy’. Most of the reforming fuckboys I know are friends of mine. They know all the tricks that guys use when it comes to leading on a girl. Therefore, will give you tips on how to deal with fuckboys and can often spot one before you do. Many of them act like they’re now better than other guys because their fuckboy ways are behind them. However, everyone knows that they would jump at the chance to be like that again. Nothing really changes.

The Fuckboy-In Denial

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Finally, the ‘fuckboy in denial’. From personal experience, the fuckboy in denial is the worst of the three types. He refuses to acknowledge that what he’s doing is typical fuckboy behaviour. If called out for treating you badly, he will say things like, “but I told you that I didn’t want a relationship”. Even though his actions suggested differently. Leading on from this, this type of fuckboy will tell you that he never meant to hurt you. Yet he knew that you getting hurt would be a consequence of his actions. Because of this, fuckboys-in-denial are often more difficult to spot. Many of these guys are afraid of getting too close to someone, but also don’t want to be alone. This can often cause them to act like a fuckboy in order to try and protect their feelings. However, it’s the girl’s feelings that end up getting hurt.

From doing some research for this post, I discovered a number of potential reasons for the fuckboys’ behaviour. However, the main reason that continued to come up was because fuckboys were insecure or compensating for something. Whether that being a smaller than average penis, lack of experience with girls or just having normal insecurities about their minds and bodies. You could even compare them to a bully. They fake a massive ego and hurt girls that are just trying to care for them.

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Don’t feel bad about yourself if you’ve ever fallen for a fuckboy. It happens to be the best of us. But, if they just treat you like a piece of meat, then they’re not worth it. If you’re not made to feel like the amazing individual that you are, then you don’t need them in your life. Go out and enjoy everything that life has to offer and leave those fuckboys behind.

It’s never good to fall for any of these types (as even the ‘recovering fuckboys’ can fall back on old habits). Trust me.

P.S. If you’re a guy reading this and you think this post has something to do with you… it probably does.

Cerys x

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